"The Rat's Heart"
"He woke up as a rat who has one night to find his heart or he will be a rat forever."
A modern day fable for adult, The Rat's Heart is about a love that tries to overcome all the lonely odds.
"This story takes you into the very gutters of our city streets, searching for that illusive part of us perhaps. Humorous, witty, deeply moving but ever hopeful, this beautifully illustrated book takes you from a place where ‘the stars never seemed so far away’ to one well within our reach."

Gift Book Version
Or search Amazon for the ebook; The Rats Heart

"The Adventures of Trash Island"
Another exciting day with the launch of "The Adventures of Trash Island on Amazon"
The Adventures of Trash Island is an adventure series for young boys 9 and older.
Dante and his Grandfather Leandro, fishermen from a poor village, are marooned on an island in the Pacific Ocean. An island constructed completely from trash.
These short-read books are fast paced, full of excitement and difficult problems that the pair have to overcome, but they also celebrate the inter-generational love between a grandfather and his grandson.
We wanted to produce a series that explored the importance of older males as healthy role models for younger men.
Finally, it also shines a light on the environmental issue of plastic in our ocean but it does so without preaching.

*written by Michael Gray Griffith and illustrated by Len Hawco
An illustrated version is under development and will be available soon

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